About me

Hello, I'm Haris Malik, a computer science student at the University of Toronto specializing in software engineering. I am passionate about using technology to make a positive impact on the world and strive to be a valuable asset to the tech industry. My skillset includes expertise in multiple programming languages such as Python, C, Java, C++, and JavaScript. I have experience working with popular frameworks like Bootstrap, TensorFlow, and Keras. I am a dedicated and ambitious individual who is constantly looking to learn and improve my skills.

In addition to my passion for technology, I also have an interest in motor racing and have been actively participating in local go-kart racing championships. Racing has taught me the importance of staying calm under pressure, quick decision making and teamwork.

What i'm doing

  • Web development icon

    Web development

    I develop high-quality sites at the professional level.

  • mobile app icon

    Mobile apps

    I develop applications for iOS and Android using tools like React Native.

  • design icon

    Machine Learning

    I use advance supervised learning algorithms to solve common problems.

  • camera icon


    I race in the local go-karting championships and play cricket for the UTSC Cricket team.



  1. University of Toronto

    Sept 2021 — Apr 2025

    Bachelors in Computer Science Specialist (Co-op) | Software Engineering Stream

    Lester B. Pearson Scholar

    Sept 2021

    Full-ride scholarship award for top 37 international students globally valued at approx. $350,000

  2. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

    Jan 2024 — May 2024

    Bachelors in Computer Science — Exchange Semester


  1. Languages

    Python | C | C++ | C# | Java | JavaScript | TypeScript | SQL

  2. Frameworks/Libraries

    Node.js | React.js | OpenCV | TensorFlow | ROS2 | Assembly | Django

  3. Tools/Networking

    PostgreSQL | Docker | Linux | GIT | Android Studio | Azure (AZ-900, AI-900, DP-900)


  1. Software Developer Intern

    Dayforce, Inc. (formerly Ceridian)
    May 2024 — Aug 2024

    • Developed and optimized core APIs, services, and libraries using C# and Kafka, enhancing overall system efficiency by 30% and ensuring seamless integration across the Dayforce platform.

    • Designed and implemented an event-driven framework, reducing database load by 40% and improving real-time data processing for 25+ feature teams.

    • Conducted comprehensive performance testing, successfully handling over 10,000 events published per day and ensuring efficient operation under high traffic scenarios.

    • Improved a multilayer framework architecture by debugging and optimizing components, reducing debugging time by 25% and enhancing code quality for better maintainability and scalability.

  2. Team Lead — Graphical User Interface

    aUToronto (UofT Self-Driving Car Team)
    Sept 2023 — Apr 2024

    • Implemented a touchscreen interface to adjust car’s GPS offset and reconfigure settings, monitor GPS status etc. during the competition run to ensure compliance with Autodrive requirements and reducing setup time by 25%.

    • Collaborated with the vehicle interface and perception teams, to process and display crucial ROS messages, delivering critical car information on the display and improving data accessibility by 40%.

  3. Software Engineer Intern

    Toronto Dominion (TD) Bank Group
    Jan 2023 — Aug 2023

    • Optimized database infrastructure by implementing Docker containerization for PostgreSQL on RHEL8, resulting in a 25% decrease in deployment issues.

    • Implemented an efficient caching layer using Redis, significantly reducing database load and improving response times by 40%, resulting in enhanced application performance and user experience.

    • Developed and maintained RESTful APIs, ensuring high availability and scalability, which supported an increase in user traffic by 30%.

    • Conducted comprehensive accessibility testing on the web frontend, leveraging Lighthouse, Jest, and React Testing Library, resulting in a 90+ accessibility rating and ensuring an inclusive user experience for all.

  4. Recruit — Firmware and Driverless

    University of Toronto Formula Racing (UTFR)
    Sept 2022 — Aug 2023

    • Designed and implemented the control system architecture for the self-driving race car, successfully integrating PID Velocity and Pure Pursuit controllers, resulting in a 15% increase in path accuracy.

    • Developed and optimized functions for processing input from camera sensors to determine the vehicle’s path using C++ and ROS2 Humble, improving real-time path detection by 20%.

Technical Projects

  1. kNight

    Sept 2023 — Oct 2023

    • Developed a drone-based solution to enhance safety for individuals walking at night. Winner of the Hackathon.

  2. SafeSpot

    Feb 2023

    • Engineered a real-time video monitoring and alert system for healthcare settings utilizing Python, OpenCV, and TensorFlow. Achieved top 3 overall.

  3. FindSpot

    Sept 2023

    • Indoor navigation app for people with accessibility needs, using React Native and Python.

  4. Super Panda

    Aug 2023

    • Single platform game built with MIPS Assembly, recognized as best game from over 200 submissions.

  5. AutoTrace

    Aug 2023

    • An all-in-one android application designed to keep drivers informed and responsible.

  6. Signify

    Mar 2023

    • Sign-language translator built using Python-TensorFlow, and OpenCV.

  7. HealthCan

    Sept 2022

    • Healthcare services’ application developed using Java.

  8. Course Projects

    Sept 2021 — Aug 2022
    • GRAFFIT:

    Programmed a social media network called GRAFFIT where users keep track of friends, and the brands users are interested in using graph network in C.

    • Trees Everywhere:

    Used the Binary Search Tree functionalities like, insertion, deletion, tree modification, and searching to implement an image analysis tool called Quadtree in C.

    • Turtle Graphics:

    Implemented all the standard functionality of the linked list and developed a function that takes the current list of commands and executes to produce an image to display in C.


  1. Machine Learning Specialization

    Stanford University and DeepLearning.AI at Coursera
    Sept 2022 — Oct 2022

    • 3-Courses Specialization including Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Advanced Algorithms, and Reinforcement Learning

  2. Front-End Development Professional Certificate

    META at Coursera
    Sept 2022 — Oct 2022

    • 9-Courses Certificate including Advanced React, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Version Control, UI/UX Design, and Front-End Developer Capstone

  3. Back-End Development Professional Certificate

    META at Coursera
    Sept 2022 — Oct 2022

    • 10-Courses series certificate including Cloud Computing, Django Framework, APIs, Back-End Developer Capstone, and Databases